Decompress the file "SelfControl.sit" with any usual Macintosh decompression tool. Just copy the decompressed folder onto your hard disk.
Launch the application by double clicking it's icon.
This application is shareware. Should you decide to use it you are obliged to obtain a usage licence and to pay the license fee of US$ 20,00. To register please use the included registration form which as well contains payment remarks.
Current and Earlier Versions
Version 2.0 d PPC english version for Power Macintosh
with the following enhancements:
- five differnet types of recurring events
- ToDo-List with three different priorities
- Online-Help
first publication on 8/5/1995
Version 2.0 d PPC german version for Power Macintosh
with the following enhancements:
- five differnet types of recurring events
- ToDo-List with three different priorities
- Online-Help
first publication on 8/5/1995
Version 1.0 d PPC german version for Power Macintosh
with some internal code enhancements
first publication on 5/14/1995
Version 1.0 e english basic version
first publication on 2/4/1995
Version 1.0 d german basic version
first publication on 30/1/1995
Ulrich Hilger CompuServe 100116,2751
Avrillestrasse 5 Internet 100116.2751@COMPUSERVE.COM